Saturday 27 June 2009

How Can We Sell Second Tier?

How can we push people along through Green into Yellow?

We can not.

When I first read Spiral Dynamics and Ken Wilber’s books I admit to falling into the trap of seeing the Yellow Pluto Enchantment Level as some kind of exciting and blissful arrival.

The point is that the arrival at second tier is not really about excitement or bliss, it’s existential but not in a nihilistic way.
The certainty expressed by Ken regarding what is good for other people is not second tier, we can be confident about what is good for us, but not what’s good for others.
The momentous leap—as Dr Graves puts it— comes with a certain humility that is in no way idealized, it’s not a desire to get over, get rid or deny the ego either.

We retain that awareness of relativity. Relativity is not a dirty word, what we do now realize though that the terrain is not as flat as we experienced in Green, but not as hierarchical in a spiritual way as we experience in blue or as progressively evolutionary as we think of it in Orange.
When I say ‘ín’I mean as in when we were emotionally centred in that levels, we still live on these levels and they are still essential parts of ourself.

The momentous leap is a desire to enjoy life with more autonomy by both engaging with the world yet also dancing in and out of detachment or entrapment in any fixed ideals or pronouncements. The terrain is moving, growing, adapting, revisioning, temporarily stabilizing then shifting again.
The humility comes from recognizing we are merely human, we have all of the levels of human reality within us and as part of our external reality. The awareness of the paradoxical nature of human beings, human progress, spirituality and materialism are implicit. This true centring in paradox gives us a subconscious membership with all humans, the whole species, it’s not a blissed out love for humanity but it comes with an acceptance of all people to some extent because we now recognize the basic traits exist as part of us. The nature of the relativity though is that we see that not all things are equal.

The message of the integral perspective is that yes Green and its spirituality is indeed better than orange and its materialism which indeed is better than blue and its moral certainty, yet each step forward comes with a loss, we might even say a small yearning to return to that innocence of previous eras, but that is not indulged too far because progress we must or rather progress we have.

In this statement so far you can see that I am expressing the constant adjustment and qualification of any statement we might make about the second tier. The thinking is now non linear and abstract to accommodate the far bigger picture we have. However this is not really a confused state but one that has the integrity of the truth of the human paradox. The holarchy reveals that all humans in their totality create reality by necessity; this is encoded into evolution and is democratic. The democracy though is not an absolute relative space as not all energy is equal; therefore not all consciousness is imputed equally into the collective sphere.

The leap to second tier does indeed promise an a huge step forward in benevolence and abundance for thee human species, but we have to enjoy the opportunity to go on the journey of unfettered material expansion or the euphoric adventure of searching for authenticity if we honestly desire it. We can force ourselves or others to give up the opportunities to experience what needs and has to be experienced.

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